J JamesGames.com Review: Think & Learn Code-a-pillar

Review: Think & Learn Code-a-pillar

Coding for Preschoolers?
A JamesGames  Review!
By: James Oppenheim | Created: 2016-08-17 07:09:06 | (Updated: 0000-00-00 00:00:00)

One of the big trends of 2016 is the introduction of coding to toyland. Fisher-Price's Think & Learn Code-a-pillar, pushes the age group for this kind of toy ever earlier, to as young as three year olds. The toy caterpillar, comes with a motorized head and eight segments, each with a directional marking on its back. The movenment of the caterpillar is "programmed" by the order of the body parts as put together by the child. The idea of using objects to control code is core to modern programming. The next step-up in age from this activity might be WonderWorkshop's Dash or the Osmo Coding add-on. Recommended.

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$ 49.00  